About this visualization

This chord diagram illustrates export values between regions all over the world in 2018.

How can I read this data visualization ?

You can mouseover a region to show the total export value to other regions. Each ribbon (edge) relates two regions. When a ribbon is hovered with mouse, a tooltip is shown to display the export values details of the two connected region nodes.
The color of the ribbon is the same as the region color having bigger export value.
The size of the ribbons (edges) and the size of regions (nodes) are proportional to the importance of the export flow.

What makes chord diagram interesting for presenting such data ?

Chord diagram is suitable for analyzing data at a glance by detecting the most important export flows between regions and their dependencies. Colors codes contribute also to facilitating reading data.

About the data

This data is collected from the world bank website for the year 2018. This subset of data does not consider the internal export values between countries in the same region.

About this version